Luxurious luxury wedding rings are not only a symbol of love and union of two hearts, but also an indicator of wealth, a way to attract the attention of others. Among the products there are real works of art, the cost of which often reaches six- or seven-digit numbers. We will tell you how much the most expensive rings in the world cost and to whom they belong.

How much do the most expensive wedding rings cost?
In an effort to outperform each other, celebrities are spending fortunes on elite wedding rings with premium diamonds. And it is not at all necessary that after such a generous gift, the lovers will have a wedding. After all, the main thing is the impression made! The larger the stone, the more beautiful the jewelry and the more sky-high the price, the higher the authority and status of the person in society.

1. The World’s First Diamond Ring
The most expensive wedding ring in the world was created by the Swiss jeweler. The uniqueness of the item is that it is made of a solid diamond. It took the jeweler a year to implement the idea: he prepared several sketches, thought out in detail the technique of processing the mineral. The 150-carat jewelry was presented to the public in Australia in 2011.

A real jewelry miracle was recently presented. The creation, titled “The World’s Fist All Diamond Ring”, weighs no less than 150 carats. If suddenly you are going to offer your hand and heart to your beloved girl, then there is a chance to give her an engagement ring, which has no analogues in the whole wide world. The only problem is money. For this diamond, you will need to pay only some 68 million dollars. Will you say a lot? Not at all. Both precious minerals and handicrafts are highly prized. And it took whole year to cut the diamond.

The Swiss jeweler cut the diamond using a special laser. Some bloggers point out that the creation painfully resembles plastic children’s rings popular at the very beginning. But, you must admit that for all the simplicity of the design, a diamond remains a diamond and looks great.

Now all the most expensive rings of stars will seem to them just a little jewelry zilch. “The creation of a solid ring from a cut diamond has always been a fantasy, it seemed impossible. But we decided to take the risk and accept the challenge. But the “perfect” and completely diamond ring has become a real work of art. “